Turkey Coma 2020
Turkey Coma 2020

Turkey Coma 2020

I am full of tur­key, and stuff­ing, and roas­ted root veget­ables, and mashed pota­toes and bean stuff and cran­berry sauce and gravy and PIE. I love pie. I hope I don’t fall into a tur­key coma before I fin­ish writ­ing this blog post.

We’ve been watch­ing Secret Scot­land with comedi­an Susan Calman on Know­ledge Net­work, and here’s a fun fact we learned:

In 1912 suf­fra­gette Eth­el Moor­head went into the Nation­al Wal­lace Monu­ment and smashed the glass case where Wil­li­am Wal­lace’s sword is kept. She left a note say­ing “Your liber­ties were won by the sword. Release the women who are fight­ing for their liberties.”

It is full-on fall now, and almost chilly enough to turn on the fur­nace. We’re a little bit behind the time when I’m usu­ally ready to turn it on. This might be because the gen­er­al tem­per­at­ure is high­er, or it could be because MY gen­er­al tem­per­at­ure is high­er… Either way, we are sav­ing money on the gas bill!


Be kind, be calm and be safe ~~ Dr. Bon­nie Henry