Hi there! Come on in, sit down, and make yourÂself comÂfortÂable. Put your feet up on this footÂstool. May I offer you a beverÂage? Here, you will find all sorts of info about me, and all the things I do to fill my time. There are quite a few of those. I have been called a “multi-taskÂer” by more than one perÂson. I’m a Fantasy author, a jazz singÂer, an audiobook narÂratÂor, a Mum, a Gran, and so much more. Here is where you can learn about my variÂous writÂing proÂjects, and my pubÂlished works. You’ll see a few phoÂtos related to my actÂing backÂground and my jazz-singing career. I do audiobook narÂraÂtion of my own and othÂer writers’ work, and also proÂduce a podÂcast. Thanks for comÂing, and I hope you enjoy your stay.