Family and Friends. Oh, and POV.
Family and Friends. Oh, and POV.

Family and Friends. Oh, and POV.

How’d so much time go by between posts? Oh yeah, I know. I worked on Fri­day, the overnight retreat at the school happened, I began recov­ery on Sat­urday, went to a din­ner party, I had a FAT Jazz gig yes­ter­day.… Ok, it’s all mak­ing sense now. Work was exhaust­ing, the overnight retreat was suc­cess­ful thanks to all my many volun­teers, I had a nap on Sat­urday after­noon, the din­ner party was lovely, and the gig went great with much audi­ence enthu­si­asm. We helped the Eagle Ridge Hos­pit­al Aux­il­i­ary raise about $8000, which is pretty good for only the second year of this fundraiser.

And can rest easy now, thanks to my friend Tom return­ing the rest of my Jasper Fforde col­lec­tion. I’m happy to loan out books to eagerly curi­ous read­ers, but I always feel just a little on edge until my favour­ites are returned to me. It’s like when the kids are out at a birth­day party and hubby’s at foot­ball… I don’t feel com­pletely whole until the fam­ily has come home. It’s worth it, though, if every­one had a good time and the books were enjoyed by the bor­row­er. Espe­cially if it means I’ve con­ver­ted anoth­er friend into a Fforde Fan. 

I would nev­er have dis­covered Jasper Fforde if not for my friend Sheila. See, Jasper is her neigh­bour in Wales and she, know­ing I’m a writer, sug­ges­ted I read his work. Why he isn’t clas­si­fied as Fantasy I can­’t under­stand, because I can­’t think of any books more “altern­ate world” than his, and yet there he is on the Gen­er­al Fic­tion shelf. I don’t get it. In any event, I found him, and Man, he’s ter­rif­ic and clev­er and hil­ari­ous. Love it.

After a nice chat with Ron the oth­er day while he was driv­ing north to Seattle (yes, he’s hands-free) I am look­ing for­ward to sit­ting down and muck­ing about with Griffin today. (After I cre­ate the agenda for tonight’s music par­ents’ meet­ing). See, I really wanted to write this nov­el in the first per­son and I love the way it’s com­ing out. Trouble is that one of the ways I fig­ure out where a story needs to go next is to play around with oth­er char­ac­ters. For instance, what is Jesqel­lan up to? That’s how I developed that char­ac­ter in Dark Elf’s War­ri­or, and by golly that also cre­ated a lovely sub-plot which became a integ­ral part of the sequel, Decep­tion.

I guess I was block­ing myself from try­ing that with Griffin because I’m writ­ing in the first per­son and some­how con­vinced myself that I would­n’t be able to use it. But I have to remem­ber that there are no hard and fast rules in this art form, and I can do whatever the hell I want. I can play around with oth­er point of view, and I can find oth­er ways to bring that stuff in even though it’s in Griffin’s pov. Or, I can insert small seg­ments from oth­er POV’s, so long as I do it smoothly. (I read a book recently that was mostly in 1st per­son, and then stuck in these 3rd per­son bits and I did­n’t like it, so I’d have to handle it anoth­er way). Whatever I do in the final draught, I can try any­thing. So that’s what’s going to hap­pen today. 

Let’s see what Ricken­back­er Topi­ary and Fenix Over­land are up to, shall we? 

[Apo­lo­gies to Griffin fans: I don’t have any­thing more for you to read yet! I’ve been work­ing on the end.]