Choices and results
Choices and results

Choices and results

So Colleen made a spe­cial phone call today to tell me that she likes the New Chapter Sev­en­teen. With all the work I put into the rewrite she wanted to let me know as soon as pos­sible that it was good. It remains to be seen wheth­er the rest of that sec­tion works for her, but I am grat­i­fied that all that work paid off. I do admit that in com­par­is­on to the new ver­sion the old one was lame and did­n’t go far enough. The buildup is more intense and some new conflicts–inner and outer–have aris­en mak­ing Kyer­’s rela­tion­ship with her captors that much more exciting.

I am feel­ing the loss of the story’s play­ful­ness, though. I always liked the fact that it was kind of light­hearted. How­ever, I did­n’t like the notion that one read­er presen­ted, that if I removed the sex scene the book could pretty much be aimed at chil­dren. NOT cool.

I can­’t have it both ways, I guess. I wanted the read­er reac­tion to be stronger, but I can­’t have that without deep­en­ing the intens­ity, which I guess means los­ing that play­ful­ness, the sense of humour. I hope it isn’t gone com­pletely. My new­er read­ers will be able to tell me. I have to say that I like the, “I can­’t stop read­ing it, give me MORE!” reac­tion I’ve been getting.

I guess I’m on the right track.