Real Life Update — July 22nd
Real Life Update — July 22nd

Real Life Update — July 22nd

I star­ted rehears­als for Fame Jr. I’m Music­al Dir­ect­or, as well as play­ing Miss Sher­man. It was an excel­lent first day! I thought it would be way harder for those kids to grasp the coun­ter­part bit of Hard Work, but they mastered it. Well done!

I am so relieved that mom is in hos­pice, as I don’t know what I would have done to make sure she was looked after while I’m at the theatre full time this week. A space opened at the one in Maple Ridge, so we took her there, even though it was­n’t our pref­er­ence, geo­graph­ic­ally. The very next morn­ing, though, a space opened at Cross­roads. *sigh* We moved her there, and now she is settled. The care­givers are mar­vel­lous. I am still book­ing reg­u­lar vis­it­ors for her so she does­n’t spend too much time alone.