Real Life Update — July 25th
Real Life Update — July 25th

Real Life Update — July 25th

First run-through of Fame. There are still a couple of bits to fix, and block, but I am totally sur­prised by the level of com­ple­tion of this show, after only four days! Coco and I are more than a little con­cerned about our song, as we’ve had exactly one rehears­al, at my house on Tues­day. We haven’t actu­ally blocked it yet, and I can­’t get all the lyr­ics, let alone the bits of dia­logue in the middle!

Coco won­ders how I can handle doing a show in the midst of my mother­’s rap­id deteri­or­a­tion. This got me thinking.

Life goes on. That is not meant to be cal­lous. Here’s the thing: I have two chil­dren who each have all kinds of suc­cesses and stressors in the lives. What kind of a moth­er would I be if I ignored their needs because of my moth­er? They’re also hav­ing to deal with their Grammy’s deteri­or­a­tion; I have to help them go through it. At the same time, their suc­cesses are of equal import­ance. Mag­gie will per­form with The Pre­vail­ing West­er­lies, and with her two friends in a play, at the Port Moody Youth Arts Fest­iv­al this Fri­day (which I’ll miss because of the tech run for Fame), and this is a really big deal. What kind of a moth­er would I be if I did­n’t sup­port her in this amaz­ing oppor­tun­ity? I can­’t just ignore that.

If a tra­gic event occurs to one mem­ber in a fam­ily, it dir­ectly affects the oth­er mem­bers, but they can­’t simply shut off their lives.

I think in this cir­cum­stance, with Fame, it also helps that I am a very meth­od­ic­al per­son, and handle things in a step by step fash­ion. While I’m at rehears­al, I am work­ing on the Fame steps, and when I get home I’ll be able to deal with the oth­er steps.

Coco sug­ges­ted that this is also per­haps a wel­come dis­trac­tion. She is right.