Real Life Update — July 27th
Real Life Update — July 27th

Real Life Update — July 27th

Writ­ing part­ner Jonath­an got in touch today. Would I like to chat about writ­ing soon? Damn right. How ’bout work­ing togeth­er to do some short writ­ing exer­cises to limber up that muscle? I’d love it. Sadly, no time today.

Two per­form­ances today! Coco and I went over our song about 47 times in our dress­ing room before the show, and.…nailed it! I figured out that if I take my time more with the second set of dia­logue I not only don’t feel rushed, so I can take the time to think it through, but also I don’t fin­ish too early, won­der of wonders.

After the second, and last, show, I ran back­stage and high­fived each of the kids, yelling, “We did a show in five days!” It was a good feel­ing, and the kids were really stoked.