What a fabulous weekend! I attended so many terrific panels (Writing Fight Scenes, Real Life Superwomen), and was on a few that also went really well (Research, Beta Readers, Storytelling on the Fly).
I was also the reader for the Live Action Slush Pile (writers submit the first page of their WiP and as I read it aloud the panellist raise their hands at the point they would stop reading), and boy, were there some terrific submissions! Usually the panellist’s hands fly up in nanoseconds, and this time there were very few times I was asked to stop reading. Very cool. The most common criticism was to get to the action more quickly: good set-up but then stop with the set-up and start the action.
Great to see good friends, and meet new ones. And I’m so glad Sandra Wickham has already posted the dates for next year: May 18–20, the Victoria Day long weekend. I’ll definitely be there.