Creative Ink Fest 2017
Creative Ink Fest 2017

Creative Ink Fest 2017

What a fab­ulous week­end! I atten­ded so many ter­rif­ic pan­els (Writ­ing Fight Scenes, Real Life Super­wo­men), and was on a few that also went really well (Research, Beta Read­ers, Storytelling on the Fly).

I was also the read­er for the Live Action Slush Pile (writers sub­mit the first page of their WiP and as I read it aloud the pan­el­list raise their hands at the point they would stop read­ing), and boy, were there some ter­rif­ic sub­mis­sions! Usu­ally the pan­el­list’s hands fly up in nano­seconds, and this time there were very few times I was asked to stop read­ing. Very cool. The most com­mon cri­ti­cism was to get to the action more quickly: good set-up but then stop with the set-up and start the action.

Great to see good friends, and meet new ones. And I’m so glad Sandra Wick­ham has already pos­ted the dates for next year: May 18–20, the Vic­tor­ia Day long week­end. I’ll def­in­itely be there.