10 Things I Can See From Here
10 Things I Can See From Here

10 Things I Can See From Here

1. My vinyl col­lec­tion, includ­ing the soundtrack from Reflec­tions on Crooked Walk­ing, by Ann Mortifee.

2. Two dragons.

3. A wind-up duck.

4. My new glasses. I can see them because they are not on my face.

5. Some fol­ded laun­dry hanging out on the floor.

6. A barometer

7. A guitar

8. A piano

9. A steam­punk-esque box, which cur­rently con­tains all my Christ­mas music, but I am think­ing of using to hold all the neat old B&W pho­tos of my mum as a child, so people can open the old-look­ing box and pull out each of the pho­tos, and read the backs, because they all have cool inform­a­tion on them about what and who’s in the photo.

10. Two large, fat candles sit­ting on the man­tel, one of which has dripped a lot of wax down onto the hearth.