Throwing it Out to the Universe
Throwing it Out to the Universe

Throwing it Out to the Universe

So, I’m pretty sure I have men­tioned this in an off-hand way, but I find I am very excited about the idea, and have actu­ally star­ted plan­ning it. Yep, I am going to get into the self-pub­lish­ing world through what I think of as the back door: I have all the tech­no­logy, and the skill, to put my work out as a pod­cast. So that’s what I’m going to do.

I came up with the idea months ago, but it has taken me ages, and lots of shar­ing with oth­er people, to actu­ally believe that it is a good idea. I have had a few con­sult­ing-type chats with the Boy, and he has giv­en me lots of cool point­ers, which my brain is now work­ing on. I’m so excited about it! It’s like this was what I have been work­ing toward all along. All my exper­i­ence with music edit­ing, get­ting into audiobook nar­ra­tion (Thanks Bri­an Rath­bone!), not men­tion being an act­or and a sing­er… These are the Things I Need in order to make this happen!

I have to come up with a title for the pod­cast, and a logo, but I have already decided on theme music (SO excited about that part!), and some oth­er cool things I will do. I will read my own work, begin­ning with the Gate­keep­er tri­logy (it’s no longer called Dark Elf’s War­ri­or, btw… I nev­er liked that title), add some short fic­tion between books, maybe fea­ture some work by my friends every now and again… Even record some epis­odes before live audience!

It’s going to take me a while to get star­ted, because I want to fin­ish Book Three, plus there are Things to Plan, but stay tuned. 🙂