A trilogy in four parts!
A trilogy in four parts!

A trilogy in four parts!

What’s inter­est­ing about the chapter I just pos­ted in the pod­cast (Gate­keep­er­’s Decep­tion, chapter 6) is that when I first star­ted writ­ing Kyer­’s story, the first chapter I wrote was the open­ing chapter of Gate­keep­er­’s Key, wherein Kyer kills Simon. The second chapter I wrote… was this one. I had no idea where it would fit, I just knew I wanted to have this chapter with this char­ac­ter named Kay­me. I had nev­er really writ­ten any­thing before, so I had­n’t yet learned how to write a story arc, and just how many words it takes to tell a story that you can describe in a couple of sen­tences. It was a long time before I real­ized I was actu­ally writ­ing more than one book. It kind of broke my heart at first when I figured out that there was no room in the story of Nen­nia for this encounter with Kay­me. And then I said, “Well, I guess I’m writ­ing two books.” Then of course it turned out that to tell the full story of the second book, actu­ally is long enough for two books, and then I real­ised that Kyer­’s story is not over yet, hence book three.

So what we have is a story that star­ted out as a single book, but has become a tri­logy in four parts.  Aaaacccchhh!!!