To Serve and Publish
To Serve and Publish

To Serve and Publish

It’s Novem­ber now, and there’s a decided chill in the air, though it is sunny today. I hope every­one had a safe and socially dis­tant Halloween…

Very soon, like, on Fri­day (though I don’t know why I both­er telling you that because it takes sev­er­al days to be avail­able to YOU), but in any event, I will shortly be pub­lish­ing my first Audi­oshort. This is an audio ver­sion of a short story, namely To Serve and Pro­tect, a story that was a final­ist in the SIWC writ­ing con­test, and was pub­lished by Bun­doran Press in “49th Par­al­lels — an antho­logy of altern­ate his­tor­ies and futures”, in hon­our of Canada’s 150th birth­day. The antho­logy was nom­in­ated for an Aurora, so I’m pretty proud of that. Keep your eyes and ears peeled!

I did it, it is up!  Here is the link!!