Christmas 2020 is going to be tough.
Christmas 2020 is going to be tough.

Christmas 2020 is going to be tough.

I’m going to go do some more dec­or­at­ing, includ­ing my tree that smells so good. It’s hard to get motiv­ated to do Christ­mas bak­ing when it’s just going to be the two of us at home, and my usu­al bak­ing part­ner can­’t come home but it’s okay. We are attend­ing a vir­tu­al Christ­mas party this week­end, and have star­ted com­ing up with ideas for hav­ing Christ­mas with the kids even though they can­’t come for presents and din­ner here. It’s all going to be all right.

Hey, if you know someone who is alone? Please reach out to them and check in. This is a tough time of year for a lot of people at the best of times, so I worry about this year being even harder for some folks.

Please take care of yourselves and each other.


** full dis­clos­ure ** I wrote this in Decem­ber of 2020 and it was cur­rent then. I debated adding it as a back­dated post for fear of it being disin­genu­ous. I feel it is rel­ev­ant to my thoughts, feel­ings and pro­cessing of those at the time so I post it now (July 2021) with the ori­gin­al date in Decem­ber 2020.