Guilty Pleasures? Nope
Guilty Pleasures? Nope

Guilty Pleasures? Nope

We’ve been watch­ing Pre­tend it’s a City with Fran Lebowitz. On Net­flix. She men­tioned some­thing in last night’s epis­ode that I prob­ably would have brought up here even if she had­n’t, coz this is my thing too.

I don’t believe in “guilty pleas­ures.” I don’t have any. People seem to think of things like… read­ing romance nov­els, or eat­ing a bit of chocol­ate every day, any­thing that you enjoy that, I dunno, people might not think of as “prop­er” or “soph­ist­ic­ated” or, as Fran L described it, things that aren’t “High art.” Some people have even referred to read­ing fantasy as a guilty pleas­ure. Well, that’s dumb!

But like her, I think why should I feel guilty about this thing I enjoy? Does my enjoy­ment of this thing hurt any­body else? If it did, then not only *should* I feel guilty, then I would be a pretty sick and twis­ted indi­vidu­al for tak­ing any kind of pleas­ure out of a thing that hurts someone else. So No! I like the books I like. I like the movies and shows I like. It does­n’t hurt any­body. So why should I feel guilty?

I don’t have guilty pleas­ures. I just have pleasures.


I hope you have done, or intend to do, some things today which give you pleasure.