Sh!t happened, what did YOU do about it?
Sh!t happened, what did YOU do about it?

Sh!t happened, what did YOU do about it?

There was a story on the radio last week about a gas sta­tion in Osoyoos, BC, that acci­dent­ally sold a gas­ol­ine and dies­el mix­ture to cus­tom­ers for a peri­od of about four hours. It had been a mis­take by the deliv­ery driver, adding gas­ol­ine to the dies­el tank, and dies­el to the gas­ol­ine tank. So a bunch of cus­tom­ers were affected, like their cars stopped run­ning prop­erly and so forth, and it was a pretty nasty situ­ation, if you con­sider the clean-up and repairs involved. But the thing was that as soon as the gas sta­tion own­er heard about the prob­lem, he put the word out that it was human error and that he would take respons­ib­il­ity. He would pay for cus­tom­er repairs out of pocket.

I won­der if you’ve noticed this phe­nomen­on… If someone makes a mis­take and tries to hide it, that ticks people off. But if they come clean about it, and make amends as best they can, then it’s easy to for­give them. Moreover, I’ve found that most people *want* to know if they’ve made a mis­take, and they *want* the oppor­tun­ity to make amends, or else… you know, you’re just left feel­ing shitty. It’s this concept of doing the right thing. If I’m in a res­taur­ant (in the Before­times, obvi­ously), if there’s a prob­lem with my food, then I let the serv­er know, and for the most part, they will solve the prob­lem. Or if there’s a prob­lem with the ser­vice, I’ll speak to man­age­ment and let them know the issues. I will always give a res­taur­ant, or whatever kind of com­pany, a second chance IF they did the right thing and solved the prob­lem. The only time I will say, “Nev­er again,” is if they don’t apo­lo­gize, don’t take steps to resolve the issue.

And hey, THAT reminds me of a thing I read that poin­ted out… Why is it that a big res­taur­ant chain can screw up a hun­dred times over and people will con­tin­ue to go back? McDon­ald’s can put cheese on your bur­ger when you asked them not to, or Mile­stones can bring you the wrong soup and you’ll keep going back. But if your small, loc­al, fam­ily owned place makes a mis­take, does­n’t bring your salad, that’s IT, That’s it I’m nev­er com­ing back, that place was crap!

Sup­port your loc­al small businesses!

If there is some­thing wrong with your food, you need to tell your serv­er. When they ask you how is everything, don’t say it’s fine if it isn’t fine. Espe­cially if you’re then going to go away and nev­er come back because you wer­en’t happy with your food. Tell them, so they have the chance to fix it. This harkens back to some­thing I know I talked about in an earli­er post: don’t blame some­body else for a prob­lem if you aren’t going to tell them there is one!

That’s why I think it’s import­ant with kids, (let’s talk par­ent­ing now, shall we?) If the kids made a mis­take, spilled some­thing, or made a mess of some kind, we always enlis­ted their help to clean it up. It helped them to under­stand why they maybe should­n’t have done that thing, and def­in­itely put some con­trol back in their hands, so they learned from the situ­ation, rather than just feel­ing crappy about it. Which then taught them to work the same way in their lives as they grew up.

Anoth­er thing to keep in mind regard­ing mak­ing mis­takes… some­thing it has taken me years to learn, is that in the long run, most of them don’t really mat­ter. It’s import­ant to take respons­ib­il­ity for your errors, and address them wherever pos­sible, but keep in mind that, as Steph­en King poin­ted out, some­body said the Titan­ic was unsinkable.

I cer­tainly don’t go to bed with *that* on my conscience.