And then it was done
And then it was done

And then it was done

When Words Col­lide! It was lovely to see some famil­i­ar names in those vir­tu­al pan­els… Paul, Laura, Brenda… When I’m a pan­el­list I have Zoom on Speak­er view, so I can­’t see all the people in the room. So if I missed you I apologise.

I’m exhausted after the week­end, but I felt good about my pan­els, and I learned lots from oth­er ones. I’m glad it’s over though, I feel like I’ve been gear­ing up for it for weeks and weeks, and now I have to recov­er. I espe­cially enjoyed the pan­el about Let­ting your Char­ac­ters tell the story, and the one on char­ac­ter motiv­a­tion. Those were really good dis­cus­sions, and I think the listen­ers thought so too.