the Festival Approacheth
the Festival Approacheth

the Festival Approacheth

So soon! Next week­end, August 13 — 15, is When Words Col­lide, and it being a vir­tu­al event again means you can attend from any­where, if you have your time changes right. 🙂

My three books are avail­able on the Shared Author Table, and as pre­vi­ously pos­ted, I will be on SIX pan­els this year (Moun­tain time zone):

Fri­day 4 PM Over­com­ing Imposter Syndrome

Fri­day 5 PM Make Them Laugh: Inject­ing Humour into all Forms of Fiction

Sat­urday 3 PM Let the Char­ac­ters Tell the Story

Sunday 10 AM Audiobooks: A New Chapter for Writers

Sunday 12 PM Char­ac­ter Motiv­a­tions — They Must Have a Reas­on for What They Do

Sunday 2 PM Live Action Slush – His­tor­ic­al Edi­tion [Read­er]

Regis­tra­tion is FREE! I hope you’ll join in. There is some­thing for every­one at this event. “See” you there!