I was doing so well, there, at putting out regular blog posts. I figured if I could do a weekly intro for my podcast, why can’t I get back on track doing a weekly bit of nonsense here? So today’s blog post is a short blog post about posting on my blog.
In other news, I recently learned the youthful term: Shipping. [ “Shipping” — I am hip and relevant ]
The “ship” part is from “relationship.” It is used when a person wishes two people, often (usually?) characters in a book, movie, whatever, should form a relationship.
I tweeted something the other day about Derry and Kyer, and a reader said, “I ship them!” I needed this expression explained to me, but once I learned it I thought it quite delightful that the reader should ship my characters.
It’s an honour that a reader should care about my characters enough to ship them! And now that I can use it correctly in a sentence I feel totally hip and relevant.