10 Things I Can See From Here
10 Things I Can See From Here

10 Things I Can See From Here

  1. Matt. On the couch. With coffee.
  2. My piano (see pre­vi­ous blog post)
  3. Flowers (from Chari, as a thank you for being a judge)
  4. A messy pile of Christ­mas cards.
  5. My brand-spankin’ new copy of The Bar­on of Magister Val­ley by Paar­fi of Round­wood (aka, Steven Brust).
  6. Two dragons.
  7. A gar­goyle.
  8. A book of poetry called Phant­asmagor­ia, by my friend Melanie Rose Huff.
  9. Two gui­tars.
  10. The game Munchkin.
Flowers I can see