Books Books Book announcements!
Books Books Book announcements!

Books Books Book announcements!

Two very exciting book announcements!

  1. Gate­keep­er­’s Decep­tion I — Deceiv­er is now avail­able for pre­order in paper­back! You can find it at my UBL
    or dir­ectly at B&
  2. Yes­ter­day, at long last, I fin­ished the rough draft of Gate­keep­er­’s Rev­el­a­tion, the final book in the Gate­keep­er series. This has been a long time com­ing. There’s still a ton of work to do, but what a feel­ing to have a com­plete story arc!

See, one of the things I really hammered into my head in the last couple of years is the notion that “it does­n’t have to be good, it just has to be fin­ished.” Rather than tear my hair out try­ing to get it per­fect the first time, I just smashed my way through find­ing that main story line, all the side­bar stor­ies, filling plot holes, solv­ing big prob­lems. I know of a few bits and pieces I haven’t addressed yet, and I’m sure I will find more as I begin the revi­sion pro­cess. But this is huge. Such a relief! For a long time I was wor­ried I would nev­er get through it.

So, join me, if you will, in rais­ing a glass or mug of your bever­age of choice, and let me hear a rous­ing, “Hoo­ray!”

Thank you!

exciting book announcements!
Cov­er of Book Two