Another cool interview!
Another cool interview!

Another cool interview!

Re-Creative — a podcast with fellow SF Canada members Joe Mahoney and Mark Raynor.

This just dropped yes­ter­day, June 28: my epis­ode of Re-Cre­at­ive, a really cool pod­cast wherein writers talk about their artist­ic influences/inspirations with with Joe Mahoney and Mark Raynor. I really enjoyed this chat! I got to share the story of Tun­nel Vis­ion by Burn­aby Artist, Jane Appleby.

A lot of people who know me know the paint­ing in ques­tion and the story. But listen to the inter­view any­way, coz it’s fun. And check out Jane Appleby’s page, too!

I loved this paint­ing, and had no idea, when I bought it, how much of an influ­ence it would have on the over­all arc of the Gate­keep­er story. What star­ted out as a fun scene that took Kyer off the beaten track, became so much more, and added tons to her rela­tion­ships with the oth­er char­ac­ters, and the mys­tery and intrigue sur­round­ing her.

Epis­ode 16: Tun­nel Vision

Also, check out the page on this site with my oth­er inter­views!