BookFest Comes to the Evergreen Cultural Centre
BookFest Comes to the Evergreen Cultural Centre

BookFest Comes to the Evergreen Cultural Centre

Kind of like the Home Show, only this event is all things Read­ing and Writing.

Inter­ested in being a writer? Already a writer and you want to hone your craft? Want to pub­lish your work? Are you a kid who wants to be a writer? Or are you an enthu­si­ast­ic read­er in search of your new favour­ite author?

These are all great reas­ons to come to the Tri-City Word­smith’s Book­Fest! Sat­urday, March 23 from 10 — 4 at the Ever­green Cul­tur­al Centre, right by the Lafarge Lake Skytrain Sta­tion. There’s also ample parking.

I will be in the Mar­ket Hall as a vendor, with the Gate­keep­er series, and Griffin & the Spuri­ous Cor­rel­a­tions. Come and pick up one of my books, or sign up for my news­let­ter (and get your­self a FREE short story), or just come and say Hi while you go around and vis­it all the oth­er author tables! There will be a lot to choose from, so bring a bas­ket or a book bag.

See you there!

Wordsmith's BookFest poster, where I will be selling my fantasy books
Book­Fest 2024 Event poster