Krista Wallace
About Me

About Me

Green Hosting Badge I am a writer, sing­er and act­or. I write primar­ily fantasy nov­els, but muck about in short fic­tion in a vari­ety of genres. I sing jazz in a big band called FAT Jazz, and a duo called the Itty Bitty Big Band. I also do audiobook nar­ra­tion, and put out a weekly pod­cast [on hiatus]. Dark chocol­ate, fine single malt scotch and pie are some of my favour­ite things. I can often be heard hum­ming a tune or tap dancing.

If you have any com­ments, or ques­tions about writ­ing, or whatever else, con­tact me at:

<totally­fant­ast­ic­title at gmail dot com>


Fol­low me on Instagram


My Book­Bub page

My Amazon Author page

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