Krista Wallace
[Totally Fantastic Title]

[Totally Fantastic Title]

Wel­come to my pod­cast!  They say, “Write the story you want to read.” I love read­ing aloud, so in my pod­cast I share my own work. (You can find the pod­cast on oth­er favour­ite plat­forms too). If you’re enjoy­ing my stor­ies, per­haps you would con­sider drop­ping a twoon­ie in my hat!, with enorm­ous thanks!

My pod­cast starts with Gate­keep­er­’s Key, which is Book One of my fantasy series. Between nov­els I have chats with oth­er writers and friends, and share their work as well (eps. 19–21, 25–26) .

Next in line you will find the second book in the series, Gate­keep­er­’s Decep­tion (ep. 22–58). After that book comes the two-part shindig, Gate­keep­er FanCon (ep. 60/61), where my char­ac­ters and I answer ques­tions posed by listen­ers! I star­ted pod­cast­ing my stan­dalone Con­tem­por­ary Humour Fantasy Romance, called Griffin and the Spuri­ous Cor­rel­a­tions (ep. 62), but then the book under­went enorm­ous edits pri­or to pub­lic­a­tion, so I stopped pod­cast­ing it. I will renew those epis­odes at some point.

I’ve been hav­ing a great time, and I hope you do too!
For all the earli­er epis­odes, visit