Krista Wallace
The Itty Bitty Big Band

The Itty Bitty Big Band

With me on vocals and Gord Hem­bruff on Alto and Ten­or sax and cla­ri­net, it’s amaz­ing the wide vari­ety of music we can take on! We have the help of our back­ing com­puter pro­gram, too, which fills in the parts of the rest of the band.

We provide per­fect back­ground music to recep­tions and cock­tail parties, or we can fill lar­ger space with our sound and energy. With just the two of us we can tuck in a corner at an office party, wed­ding or private func­tion, and provide fun enter­tain­ment with our easy jazz style.

Itty Bitty Big Band
Itty Bitty Big Band

Play­ing jazz stand­ards from the Amer­ic­an Song­book, as well as the Beatles, Queen, Mamas & Papas, Ger­sh­win, Joni Mitchell, Cole Port­er, Talk­ing Heads, Gor­don Lightfoot, the Music­al Theatre realm, and much more!

Con­tact us:


Thank you con­cert for Helen and Rain­er Daniels! It is with great sad­ness that we report the loss of the Gal­lery Bis­tro to a fire in July. Gord and I, along with 17 oth­er music groups, put on an amaz­ing con­cert to thank Helen and Rain­er for their endur­ing sup­port of the Arts Com­munity in the Tri-Cit­ies. If you were there, you remem­ber the queue out the door for this ter­rif­ic event on Sunday, Septem­ber 15, 2019, from 3 — 9 pm at the Port Moody Legion, 2529 Clark St.

Click here for my blog post about the event:

Port Moody Art Walk 2018 — Itty Bitty Big Band provides enter­tain­ment while people have a rest and a snack at the Gal­lery Bistro.

Art Walk

Rig­git Christ­mas party, 2016.
