Success in spite of stress
Success in spite of stress

Success in spite of stress

What a week it has been. Proc­tor for the MCC last Thursday, the hot water hose on my wash­ing machine split on Fri­day, spray­ing water all round my base­ment for about 20 minutes until I dis­covered what that hiss­ing noise was (I was­n’t even doing laun­dry!), work­ing the PEBC exam on Sat­urday, tre­mend­ously foul mood from Fri­day to Tues­day, sent myself to my room, the rain keeps dump­ing down and the sid­ing on my house is leak­ing some­where, allow­ing water to seep in along the found­a­tion and soak up the cloths and tow­els we lay there for that purpose. 

BUT! On Monday I mailed off my sample chapters and syn­op­sis to Eddie Schneider at JAB­ber­wocky, who reques­ted them a couple of weeks ago. That is some­thing I’m very proud of. It’s always scary to seal that envel­ope, and even scar­i­er to slip it into that slot. So I cel­eb­rated with a Chocol­ate Extreme Bliz­zard at our loc­al Dairy Queen. And now I just hope the guy takes his time read­ing, so I am able to fin­ish revi­sions on the rest of the nov­el. Noth­ing like liv­ing on the edge.

AND! (golly, would­n’t an edit­or just hate my cap­it­als and exclam­a­tion points??) I used my proc­tor­ing time pro­duct­ively. Yes, yes, I was still pay­ing atten­tion to the can­did­ates in my sec­tion, signed them out to the bath­room as they needed, con­fis­cated their drinks that wer­en’t water [hon­estly, how ambigu­ous is “bottle water only”?] and cell phones. How­ever, it was such a long, quiet day that I wrote a good three pages of book three. By hand. In my note­book. Which will likely trans­late into 6–8 pages of typed work. So this is book three of Dark Elf’s War­ri­or. Ideas are just for­mu­lat­ing and per­col­at­ing, and some of them are even start­ing to make some sense in my brain. It’s such fun!