Krista Wallace


Audiobook nar­ra­tion — see all titles,

Time Tour­ist Out­fit­ters, Inc by Christy Nich­ols, nar­rated by Krista Wallace









Ever­green by Stephanie Galay, nar­rated by Krista Wallace









Ascen­sion by Mor­gen Rich and Bri­an Rath­bone, nar­rated by Krista Wallace



WROL — Without Rule of Law by Michaela Jeffery

It was such an hon­our to be asked to be part of this event. We per­formed a socially dis­tant staged read­ing of this ter­rif­ic play at the Sun­set Theatre in Wells, BC on August 22, 2020. Dir­ec­ted by Dirk Van Stralen and the play­wright her­self, we laughed and cried, and fed a socially dis­tant theatre “full” of people starved for the live exper­i­ence. I loved per­form­ing next to Danette Boucher–my fel­low gradu­ate of the UVic Phoenix Theatre. It was an even­ing rich with emo­tion and the simple joy of being on stage again. The cast was as follows:

Jo: Michelle Lieffertz

Maur­een: Julia Mackey

Rob­bie: Chris Cooley

Sarah: Danette Boucher

Vic: Krista Wallace

With Dustin Allen read­ing stage directions.

Victoria Fringe!

–> My family and I co-created and performed in a play in the Victoria Fringe Festival, August 2017:

…all these people watching”


–> Mostly I work as a Stand­ard­ized Patient for UBC Fac­ulty of Medi­cine, Dentistry, PEBC, CRNBC, MCC, etc. (1994 — present)

–> Music­al Dir­ect­or for a vari­ety of shows with teens. Rent, Any­thing Goes, Les Mis, In the Heights, Hair­spray, and many others.

–> Mrs. Pearce in Roy­al City Music­al Theatre’s pro­duc­tion of My Fair Lady, 2015.

Mrs. Pearce backstage
Wait­ing backstage
Tri Cities in My Fair Lady
Tri Cit­ies in My Fair Lady
Me, Kat, Kyle hangin’ out in the dress­ing room area.
Mrs. Pearce and the servants
Mrs. Pearce and the ser­vants about to go on
Me, ASM Larry, and Tracy as Eliza backstage
curtain call
Cur­tain call