Krista Wallace
My Books

My Books

My Altern­ate World — I write short and nov­el-length fic­tion, mostly fantasy, though I’ve mucked about with sci­ence fic­tion, paranor­mal romance, mys­tery, and lots of others.

Want to be kept up to date on upcoming releases? find out what I’m reading? get some insights into my characters? and so much more.… Then subscribe to my Totally Fantastic Email List here!


My books:


**New Release**

Emergence — A Gatekeeper Prequel

Cover for Emergence - a Gatekeeper Prequel
Cov­er of Emer­gence — A Gate­keep­er Prequel


This novella tells the story of Kyer­’s child­hood in Hreth, how she was an out­cast from the get-go, how she took up sword­fight­ing, and her goal to leave the vil­lage to find out who she really is. Read­ers already famil­i­ar with the Gate­keep­er series so far will enjoy read­ing about Kyer­’s back­story, and read­ers who are new to the series will cheer for this kid who just wants to be left alone.

Pick it up for FREE RIGHT HERE, and on most ebook plat­forms. Find your favour­ite at my Uni­ver­sal Book Link 




Griffin and the Spurious Correlations

Urb­an Romantic Fantasy (Com­edy) with a Douglas Adams/Jasper Fforde vibe!

New cover of Griffin and the Spurious Correlations
Griffin new cover


The sug­ar leapt up and twis­ted itself until it formed a castle with tur­rets as perky as meerkats…

Music, Magic, May­hem, Bak­ing! What could pos­sibly go wrong…?

Please sup­port your loc­al inde­pend­ent book­stores wherever pos­sible! (Mine are at West­ern Sky Books in PoCo, Groove Cat Books & Records in New West, and White Dwarf Books in Vancouver) 

<– Buy the ebook dir­ectly from ME by click­ing the cover

Avail­able in paper­back, ebook and audiobook (com­ing soon) here:


The Gatekeeper Series

Book One

She plunged her blade into his chest, feel­ing it grind along his ribs…

Out­cast sword­fight­er, Kyer Hal­id­an, walked out of a corn­field at the age of three. Twenty years later, she leaves her adop­ted home to dis­cov­er who put her there. And why.

Please sup­port your loc­al inde­pend­ent book­stores wherever pos­sible! (Mine are at West­ern Sky Books in PoCo, Groove Cat Books & Records in New West, and White Dwarf Books in Vancouver)

<– Buy the ebook dir­ectly from ME by click­ing the cover

Avail­able in all formats here:

Book Two

Why don’t you trust me?” he asked.

Hurt and dis­be­lief whirled in her head. “Because you don’t trust me.”

The Lady Alon Maer, wife of duke Kien Bartheylen, is preg­nant and ser­i­ously ill. Sword­fight­er Kyer Hal­id­an, along with her com­pany of friends, takes on the mis­sion to find a cure. If they fail, Alon and her baby will die.

Please sup­port your loc­al inde­pend­ent book­stores wherever pos­sible! (Mine are at West­ern Sky Books in PoCo, Groove Cat Books & Records in New West, and White Dwarf Books in Vancouver)

<– Buy the ebook dir­ectly from me HERE or click on the cover

Avail­able in all formats here:

Book Three

GD II cover

Two lives for each life.” Lord Bartheylen rose to his sev­en-foot height. “Kyer Hal­id­an owes me four.”

The party of adven­tur­ers is frac­tured, divided between those who believe Kyer delivered the pois­on that is killing Lady Alon Maer, and those whose faith in her remains intact.

Please sup­port your loc­al inde­pend­ent book­stores wherever pos­sible! (Mine are at West­ern Sky Books in PoCo, Groove Cat Books & Records in New West, and White Dwarf Books in Vancouver)

<– Get the ebook dir­ectly from me HERE, or by click­ing on the cover.

Avail­able in all formats here:



Books Four, Gatekeeper’s Crucible, and Five, Gatekeeper’s Revelation, coming as soon as possible! (2024)


Audiobooks –> Please note that my audiobook availability has changed, due to distributor changes. I’m working on getting it sorted out.

Gatekeepers Key by Krista Wallace

My big pro­ject (the one that got me star­ted writ­ing) is the Gate­keep­er series, fea­tur­ing Kyer Halidan.

My pod­cast begins with this one.

Gate­keep­er­’s Key is avail­able on Chirp, Google Play, Apple Books and oth­er pop­u­lar audiobook plat­forms. And my store!

Gatekeepers Deception, Part One - Deceiver by Krista Wallace

My second nov­el in the Gate­keep­er series, Gate­keep­er­’s Decep­tion, was also a final­ist in the Col­or­ado Gold Con­test. Part One, Deceiv­er, is avail­able on Chirp, Google Play, Apple Books and many oth­er audiobook plat­forms. It is fea­tured in my pod­cast as well.


Gatekeepers Deception, Part Two - Deceived by Krista Wallace

Deceived is Part Two of Gate­keep­er­’s Decep­tion and my third nov­el in the Gate­keep­er series. My pod­cast also fea­tures this title.

Deceived is now avail­able on Chirp, Google Play, Apple Books and many oth­er audiobook platforms.


To Serve and Protect, a short story by Krista Wallace

I now have not one, but TWO audi­oshorts pub­lished. These have both been pre­vi­ously pub­lished in print, in pub­lic­a­tions you can find below. To Serve and Pro­tect is avail­able via Chirp and Apple Books.

The Inner Light

The Inner Light is avail­able in audio format on Chirp and Apple Books.

This was a delight­ful sur­prise. My short story, He Had it Com­ing, was giv­en Hon­or­able Men­tion in the Writers of the Future con­test. He Had it Com­ing fea­tures a char­ac­ter named Evan, who will even­tu­ally get her own nov­el. The story takes place in the same world as the Gate­keep­er series, and the nov­el will fea­ture a minor char­ac­ter who appears briefly in Chapter 6 of Gate­keep­er­’s Key.

To Serve and Pro­tect, appears in this antho­logy from Bun­doran Press.

49th Par­al­lels fea­tures stor­ies of altern­ate Cana­dian his­tor­ies and futures, in hon­our of Canada’s 150th birth­day. It was nom­in­ated for an Aurora: Best Related Work.

Duch­ess Keeps Her Head is my for­ay into Romance. Who knew? It is pub­lished in Heart’s Kiss Magazine. See how many ref­er­ences to Lewis Car­roll you can find in the story!

The Inner Light, is in Issue #6 of Pulp Lit­er­at­ure magazine from Spring 2015. At my first VCon, I met the fab­ulous women who run this ter­rif­ic magazine. My friend Brenda Carre con­vinced me to enter their Raven Cov­er Art con­test, (write a story based on the cov­er art) and, lo and behold, judge CC Humphreys saw fit to give me the win.

The Pageant — A Battle Maid­en’s Cun­ning Stunt is pub­lished in Elec­tric Spec Magazine, Feb. 29th, 2012 Issue.

In 2010, my short story He Had It Com­ing was a final­ist in the SiWC Writ­ing Contest.

In 2011, my short story To Serve and Pro­tect was a final­ist in the SiWC Writ­ing contest.