Krista Wallace


This fun chat dropped on June 28: my epis­ode of Re-Cre­at­ive, a really cool pod­cast wherein writers talk about their oth­er artist­ic influences/inspirations with with Joe Mahoney and Mark Raynor. I really enjoyed this chat! I got to share the story of Tun­nel Vis­ion by Burn­aby Artist, Jane Appleby.

Epis­ode 16: Tun­nel Vision

Here is the enjoy­able con­ver­sa­tion I had with fel­low fantasy author, J.L. Hen­ker, on her Women in Fantasy You­Tube chan­nel. We talk about writ­ing, and about Gate­keep­er­’s Key, its char­ac­ters, its secrets, and its sequels!

This was a kind of ter­ri­fy­ing chat!! Mostly ter­ri­fy­ing because I played the improv story cube game… some­thing I’m not very adept at. But I had a blast, and enjoyed my chat with Zoe Duff. And I got to read aloud, so that’s always a good time.

Myth & Magic

Here is the fun dis­cus­sion I had with Neil Mach about audiobook nar­ra­tion, and writ­ing sword­fight­ing scenes. In here I learn that I use the phrase, “And so…” an awful lot! Neil has tons of epis­odes with really inter­est­ing inform­a­tion. (This is an audio pod­cast, so no accom­pa­ny­ing video)

Myth and Magic, with Neil Mach