Where would I be…?
Where would I be…?

Where would I be…?

I had a very nice phone call from Colleen last night. I was half an hour late for FAT Jazz rehears­al, but it’s all right. She said some very nice things, with which I will not bore any­one, but I will say this:

I would have giv­en up a LOOoooon­nnnnnggggg time ago if not for all of these mar­vel­lous friends who cri­tique and edit for me and keep say­ing, “Well done.” I haven’t even got where I want to be yet, but I know I would­n’t have come this far without all of you: Rob (who star­ted this whole thing), Myst, Tom, Stu­art, Kathy, Colleen and LOTS of oth­ers, not to men­tion my fam­ily who put up with me. See, here’s the thing. I strongly believe that if I ever gave up and said, “I’ve had enough of this! I’ve had it with rejec­tion, with hear­ing, ‘this just does­n’t do it for me,’ or ‘the writ­ing is good, but…’, I can­’t take it any­more!” If I ever said that? There would be so very many people who would KICK MY ASS.

So quit­ting isn’t an option, coz that would hurt a lot.

And if I do take cri­ti­cism well, it’s because… well, a lot of things, really. 1) I learned years ago that being arrog­ant about my work (any kind of work) isn’t good for any­one, least of all myself. 2) I want my work to be the best it can be, so I need to listen to oth­ers. 3) My friends want me to suc­ceed as much as I do, and they would­n’t steer me wrong. 4) I’m tired of mess­ing around with this, and I’m ready to do what I have to do! It’s still not easy to take, and some days I don’t do so well (such as last Sunday when Colleen man­aged to talk me down off the ledge… again), but I know in the end I have a bet­ter product than I had before.

I’m look­ing for­ward to hav­ing Tom and Myst, and some oth­ers as well, read Dark Elf’s War­ri­or in its new incarn­a­tion because they’re the ones who read the first ver­sion. They will see an enorm­ous transformation.

I’ll just keep plug­ging away til I get where I want to be, and thank you all.