Editing madness
Editing madness

Editing madness

Colleen said to me on Monday, “You’re going to hate me.” Why would I do that? Because she’s edit­ing my MS, and came to a part that she thought was totally lame, and said so. Grrrr.

It’s nev­er easy to hear a com­ment like that, and if you ever get the priv­ilege of being edited by Colleen, you will learn that she does­n’t hold back, she makes her points VERY clear with lots of com­ments, hon­est reac­tion, and even a little sar­casm. I take cri­ti­cism in that way from her because she’s my friend and I trust her. (Plus there’s that little bit of know­ledge in the back of my mind that turn­about is fair play and I’m going to be edit­ing for her some day very soon!!) I brace myself for her neg­at­ive com­ments and take lots of deep breaths, but I listen to them and remain object­ive. I don’t get all pissy and mad… because she’s… well, she’s right. It’s refresh­ing to hear someone say, “I really wanted some­thing bad to hap­pen to Kyer in that scene, and it did­n’t, and I felt totally let down.” Believe me, there was more to it than that. Ouch!

That kind of feed­back is cru­cial. I appre­ci­ate her candor, and said so. I don’t want an agent to read my book and feel “totally let down.” I’d rather get it from a friend in a timely fash­ion, allow­ing me to fix the prob­lems before they can be read by an agent who might then reject the whole thing.

So, I’ve worked on the chapter in ques­tion, using a scene I wrote for book two but removed because it did­n’t really fit. See, that’s a reas­on to nev­er reject an idea: always write the scene, even if you don’t wind up using it where you planned. It has found a place elsewhere.

Now Kyer is in big­ger trouble than she was before, and fur­ther­more, she tries to talk her way out of it, but it fails, and boy oh boy is she in for it. And hope­fully the read­er response will be, “Oh NO! How’s she going to get out of this?!” 

And THAT is the kind of reac­tion I want. So once again, thanks Colleen, for being so very nasty. And no, I could­n’t hate you if I tried.