Road to Recovery Without a Map
Road to Recovery Without a Map

Road to Recovery Without a Map

This has been quite a year… 2010 fea­tured the 2010 Olympics, the non-cel­eb­ra­tion of my 20th wed­ding anniversary due to crazy cir­cum­stances… and then things went wrong: my mother­’s dia­gnos­is with ovari­an can­cer forced us to find a care facil­ity for my fath­er, who suf­fers from Par­kin­son’s Dis­ease. The rest of 2010 was spent caring for, and cop­ing with, my folks and their situ­ations. Through­out the ordeal of watch­ing my dad go down­hill, rap­idly, and main­tain­ing a pos­it­ive out­look about mom’s con­di­tion, I have nev­er for­got­ten that my goal is to write.

I had trouble work­ing on my paranor­mal romance, because it felt too Real World, and the real world was not a source of too much fun. I set that pro­ject aside. Tem­por­ar­ily, of course; I will get back to that one.

In the mean­time, my friend Stephanie found the first three chapters of Griffin on her hard drive… chapters which were lost when my com­puter hard drive died some time ago. [I have blogged about Griffin before]. The dis­cov­ery of the exist­ence of these chapters boos­ted my enthu­si­asm for that pro­ject, and I imme­di­ately got star­ted prep­ping them to sub­mit to the PNWA Writ­ing Con­test. I then set myself a goal: to fin­ish the first draft of the story by the end of July.

Here it is… May. I’ve writ­ten a bit of the story. I have found it much more dif­fi­cult than I expec­ted to put the stresses of life aside and use the writ­ing as an escape. Now, my fath­er is still with us, albeit in a much less robust form. My mom has been giv­en a clean bill of health. One would think that this return to more or less “nor­mal” life would allow me to focus on writ­ing with renewed vigour. Not so.

It would seem that I need to allow myself time to recov­er from my mother­’s ill­ness. I know I’m the only one that can make myself write. But I will have to start small. The trans­ition from cop­ing mode back to liv­ing mode is not instantaneous.