Catching Up
Catching Up

Catching Up

You may notice there is a bit of a gap between the last post and this. The main reas­on for that is that this site got hacked. Thank you to Web­maven Stephanie for clear­ing that up. There were some oth­er set­backs, and now we’re up and run­ning again.

A num­ber of things have happened, not the least of which was my mother­’s death on August 13, 2013, only a few days after that last post. It was bloody hard watch­ing her deteri­or­ate. We had her Cel­eb­ra­tion of Life not long after, because we wanted to do it while Glor­ia was still in town. It speaks volumes about my mother­’s char­ac­ter that there were about 170 people in attendance.

You know what? I don’t feel like adding the oth­er, more recent, stuff in this post. I feel like that last little bit needs to stand on its own. Cheers.