Gulf Islands trip
Gulf Islands trip

Gulf Islands trip

Back in Vic­tor­ia at The Girl’s place, after a FAB­ulous trip to Galiano, Pen­d­er and Salt Spring Islands. If you have nev­er been there, you should go. I had nev­er been there, so I went! There are sev­er­al more islands we could try to get to next time. And yes, there will be a next time!

My favour­ite accom­mod­a­tion was our Rus­tic Cot­tage on Galiano. Com­fy for the two of us, and it had everything we could pos­sibly need.

Our plan on this trip was to vis­it all the “eries” and we were com­pletely suc­cess­ful: winer­ies, cider­ies, dis­til­lery (just one!), eat­er­ies, baker­ies, gal­ler­ies, even a cheesery and a papery. 🙂

Pen­d­er Island has Twin Islands cidery and Sea Star winery, both of which had deli­cious products, of which we pur­chase sev­er­al. On Salt Spring we went to Shine dis­til­lery and abso­lutely loved his vodka, gin and both moon­shine products. Apple Pie moon­shine OMG!!! The Salt Spring Cheese Com­pany provides an inform­a­tion self-guided tour, and mouth-water­ing chevre cheese­cake in their cof­fee shop. Salt Spring Vine­yard and Garry Oaks winery both had lovely products to choose from, and make decision-mak­ing a real chal­lenge. To top things off we enjoyed some ter­rif­ic beer at the Salt Spring Brew­ing Company.

Res­taur­ants we would return to in a heart­beat: Jo’s Place on Pen­d­er and Rock Salt at Fulford Har­bour (we went twice to each of these). Moby’s pub had great pie, and I had a G&T made from Shine gin and Fen­ti­m­an’s ton­ic water. WOW! Bur­ger 537 was pretty good after exper­i­en­cing the Salt Spring Sat­urday Mar­ket. Talk about amaz­ing… TONS of people at the mar­ket, and so many eye-catch­ing art products and food stuff! Oh, and I bought two pairs of funky trousers at Ward­robe (a little shop in Fulford Harbour).

In between all those things we went on lots of hikes and did a lot of sit­ting at the sea­shore, me writ­ing, Matt read­ing, and always check­ing out tid­al pools and being fas­cin­ated by the tide com­ing in.

Ok I’m done now.

Loved this trip.