Such a Success! — Port Coquitlam Winter Market
Such a Success! — Port Coquitlam Winter Market

Such a Success! — Port Coquitlam Winter Market

Thank you thank you to all the lovely people who came by my little table at the Port Coquit­lam Winter Mar­ket yes­ter­day. It seemed like a really suc­cess­ful event, though I only had a short oppor­tun­ity to poke my head into the oth­er room, where there was a dim-light atmo­sphere with live music and loads of people enjoy­ing a bever­age. The tree-light­ing cere­mony obvi­ously happened, because when I got out­side at the end of the day… the tree was lit! The com­munity spir­it in Port Coquit­lam is always warm and enthu­si­ast­ic. I was abso­lutely thrilled and delighted that so many of you took the time to wander through the mar­ket and find items to pur­chase, includ­ing at my table!

My com­pli­ments of the sea­son to all!

Krista with list of vendors at the Port Coquitlam Christmas in the Square banner

A row of Christmas trees in a community centre corridor

City of Port Coquit­lam Face­book page