

I need a gear shift in my head. Or, I know! a few switches. I envi­sion a switch­board like tele­phone oper­at­ors used in the olden days, where they took a plug from one loc­a­tion and plugged it into a dif­fer­ent out­let to con­nect two people togeth­er. That would be great! 

I have all this work in vari­ous loc­a­tions, play­ing vari­ous roles and I lit­er­ally need to remem­ber who I am at any giv­en time. Add to that, I’m try­ing to keep writ­ing in my Off times. Add to that, I have to vote on Tues­day, Add to that, I’m the Chair of the Music Par­ents’ com­mit­tee at our middle school and we have our Octo­ber Overnight Retreat this com­ing Fri­day, and I have a whole ton of won­der­ful volun­teers to co-ordin­ate, gro­cery shop­ping list to cre­ate, shop­ping trip to arrange, many jobs to del­eg­ate, AND I have to work on that day til 4:30, which means I won’t be there until about 5:30…

Hold on… it also means that I am forced to del­eg­ate, and will not have to do much work myself on the day. That’s nev­er a bad thing. I don’t have a prob­lem del­eg­at­ing, but being the one “in charge” I also have to think of everything and make sure I’ve told every­one everything they need to know. That’s why I wake up at bizarre hours of the night say­ing, “The straw­ber­ries have to be kept out on the counter overnight so they’re thawed in time for break­fast!” or, “The music teach­er needs to ask the Home Arts teach­er if we can put our per­ish­ables in her fridges and freez­ers, or else I’m going to have to store 7 boxes of frozen waffles in my mom’s deep freeze!” or, “What hap­pens polit­ic­ally in Griffin’s sis­ter Gil­lian’s dance com­pany that takes Gil­lian’s dance solo away from Gil­lian and gives it to her rival?” [Must get togeth­er with dan­cer friend to learn about dance polit­ics to apply to book]

[Geez, I’m start­ing to see a theme in these posts… time management]

So, you see, if I had a switch board I could unplug from the Music Par­ent Chair and switch into writ­ing mode. Or switch from Work mode into Music Par­ent Chair.

Most import­antly, I’d unplug everything so I could SLEEP.