Writing’s in the Air
Writing’s in the Air

Writing’s in the Air

Ooo, there’s a buzz in the city today.… Mas­ter Classes are already under­way at the Sur­rey Inter­na­tion­al Writers’ Con­fer­ence, and tomor­row is the offi­cial open­ing. Ron is attend­ing two classes, so I know he’s already in town. Colleen’s on her way up and Jonath­an’s on his way down today. Excite­ment is in the air!

I will be a timer in the Agent/Editor appoint­ment room tomor­row, and am look­ing for­ward to being a part of all those writers’ pitch­ing exper­i­ences. I wish them all best of luck and hope every­one is asked for sub­mis­sions! And maybe I’ll get a chance to pitch inform­ally, too.

I’ve hardly done any read­ing about what’s going on at the con­fer­ence this year, because I’m not an attendee… but I had bet­ter fig­ure out which work­shops are going on tomor­row after­noon so I can decided which one to attend, as my volun­teer “free time.” Oooo, what to do! There’s so much to choose from.

I LOVE the writers’ con­fer­ence. The best time is just hanging out with my friends, old and new, in the bar. Come by and say Hi! I’ll be there in every chunk of free time I have. I can­’t wait I can­’t wait I can­’t wait!