Same shite, different day
Same shite, different day

Same shite, different day

I man­aged to fit in a little bit of writ­ing yes­ter­day. This is going to be a very busy time for me, what with dir­ect­ing the music­al at the school, work, FAT Jazz, Earth to Dor­is and fam­ily stuff. I’ve blocked aside chunks of time, and hope­fully I will be able to focus well enough to be pro­duct­ive in those times. 

It’s funny the things that occur to me. I was muck­ing away on a par­tic­u­lar scene that has been plaguing me for sev­er­al weeks. I left it to sim­mer over Christ­mas, and sat down to get some things mov­ing, did a little, wrote a few lines, puzzled and puzzed til my puzz­ler was sore, left it, came back a while later, mucked about a bit, wrote a few lines, puzzled and puzzed…  You see where this is going, right? I did­n’t get back to it for a week or ten days or so, mean­ing yes­ter­day. I was sup­posed to write on Monday, but this whole week has just been a “shmoz” as my moth­er would call it (find your own defin­i­tion of that… I know what it means to me) and I did­n’t get any writ­ing in. So there I was work­ing on it yes­ter­day, Thursday.

What came to my mind was this, “I like what I’m com­ing up with here, and the way the scene is pro­gress­ing. Now, if I’d sat down on Monday to write, would it have come out the same way? Would I have writ­ten the same words? If they were dif­fer­ent, I won­der if they’d have been bet­ter words, bet­ter lines, a bet­ter way of car­ry­ing on with the scene?”

I like to think that there’s a reas­on I don’t write on a cer­tain day. I like to think that if I can­’t write on that day [ok, sorry, I’m get­ting dis­trac­ted by the radio: they’ve just begun a doc­u­ment­ary on teach­ing safe sex to seni­ors]. If I can­’t write on that day, then if I had I’d have pro­duced noth­ing but shite. What I wrote yes­ter­day was the best thing I could have writ­ten. If I’d waited until today, it would have turned out dif­fer­ently again. I kind of won­der what the scene would look like if I’d writ­ten it on a dif­fer­ent day. Would the mood of the scene be more cheer­ful? or less? Would my word retriev­al have been more effect­ive so that the col­our of the scene would be bright­er, more intense? Or maybe it would have been yucky and bor­ing. Maybe the only word I’d be able to pro­duce is “sand­wich” or “little.” Or “the.”

Thank good­ness I was­n’t able to write on Monday.