Workload, time management, writing
Workload, time management, writing

Workload, time management, writing

Every time I get some sort of part-time job, it becomes more than I ever dreamed it would be. This is not neces­sar­ily a good thing. I’m try­ing to keep a pos­it­ive out­look, but I don’t like feel­ing out of con­trol. Being asked to do more than I expec­ted is fine, to a point, but hav­ing all kinds of extra things added to not only my work­load, but to my job descrip­tion is not some­thing I’m enjoy­ing right now. 

I have lots on the go right now, which is fine, but I have cer­tain expect­a­tions going into a pro­ject about what it’s going to be like, how much time and how much energy it’s going to take. Each time some­thing gets added to a single activ­ity, the bal­ance goes askew, and that’s what’s hap­pen­ing right now. I don’t know how to make it stop.

Work as SP Train­er­/Co-ordin­at­or for Kwan­tlen, dir­ect­ing Seussic­al at the middle school, Earth to Dor­is, FAT Jazz. Oh, and there’s that book I’m try­ing to write… Get­ting over­whelmed here.

Ok, now I have to go because I’m expect­ing a work-related phone call any time now. Cheers.