Satire over the head
Satire over the head

Satire over the head

We are quickly dis­cov­er­ing that if we are going to show satir­ic­al movies to our kids, they need to under­stand what is being sat­ir­ized. They did­n’t really “get” Spin­al Tap, and though we star­ted watch­ing For Your Con­sid­er­a­tion, I think we won’t fin­ish that one with them. Sim­il­arly the Girl did­n’t quite “get” The Life of Bri­an last night. I think we will show them Jesus Christ Super­star. Matt sug­ges­ted God­spell, but I think that just might con­fuse them more. 

On anoth­er note, thanks to Mel Buenaven­tura for tak­ing some pho­tos of FAT Jazz at Golden Spike Days. Here’s a cool couple of shots of my shoes and me spliced together.

Ok, this is inter­est­ing. That was my first time post­ing a photo, and I dis­covered that Blog­ger does­n’t want me to put the photo in the middle of the post, only at the top. So when I move it, it does some weird stuff: It under­lined the first para­graph (which I have since learned how to fix), turned it blue (which I man­aged to fix) and it has taken away my power to change fonts, so as you can see my font is now dif­fer­ent. This has redir­ec­ted focus away from the photo itself, and the fact that I wished to cred­it Mel and tell you where you can see more of his work. He has some pretty neat stuff: check him out at Ok, there, I’ve put Mel’s link up next to the photo. What a pain this is! I sup­pose there must be a way to fix it, but I don’t have time to muck about with it now. See? We’ve changed fonts again. I can change the size, you see, but not the font itself. Isn’t tech­no­logy fun? 

Ok, so those shoes are Wal­lace tartan, for those of you unfa­mil­i­ar with it. The hat belongs to the Boy, but he figured I ought to wear it for this event. Thanks Boy! In the shot on the right you can see Ray Faoro, our bari sax play­er, and Laurie is sorta vis­ible. Check out FAT Jazz’s new work-in-pro­gress web­site at Look at me go, I just figured out how to insert a link.

That is enough new com­puter stuff for me today. I need a lie-down.

*Update from much later… Hav­ing moved my blog to my web­site, I have figured out how to fix a lot of the weird stuff that happened. Hope­fully we won’t see any more of that nonsense.