A New Approach
A New Approach

A New Approach

I find it amus­ing that Griffin is for­cing on me a com­pletely new approach to the writ­ing pro­cess. Typ­ic­ally I write the scenes that are kind of inter­est­ing or excit­ing to me, and then I write the bits in between to join them together.

Griffin has been bog­gling my mind. I can­’t fig­ure out what it’s about. I know a lot of the things that are going to hap­pen, but I keep get­ting stuck. I have a sol­id begin­ning, and a sol­id end­ing (ish) [I had writ­ten a bunch of the end­ing stuff years ago, but it got lost when my hard drive crashed]. What I don’t know is what’s going to hap­pen in the middle.

The new writ­ing approach seems to be that I’m going to add to the begin­ning, add to the end, add to the begin­ning, add to the end.…

Even­tu­ally they will join in the middle and the book will be done. Really.