Post WFC Progress
Post WFC Progress

Post WFC Progress

WFC 2012 has been and gone…what a ter­rif­ic time was had by all! Hanging out with my writer friends, like Colleen Con­dit, Jonath­an Lys­ter (the Ran­dom Road Writers), Brenda Carre, Car­ol Berg, Andrea Howe, Jeff Howe, Justin Bar­ba, Naomi Black, Rhi­an­non Held, Bob Lovely, Mack­ay Wood, Laura Kelly, Laurey Patten…and many more! I made some new friends, too, as one always does at these things, like Emily Pot­ter, Randy McCharles and Val King (I know I’m for­get­ting people…ah well). Hung out with Bri­an and Anita Hades from Edge Sci­ence Fic­tion and Fantasy Pub­lish­ing, (Anita is a lovely dan­cer of the polka! Who knew?). Super­star illus­trat­or, Larry Dix­on, asked me to send him the link to my short story The Pageant — A Battle Maid­en’s Cun­ning Stunt (at Elec­tric Spec). This was after a pan­el on cov­er art, wherein Larry referred to the stock draw­ings often used on fantasy nov­els, which is, of course, the basis for my story, so nat­ur­ally I had to tell him about it!

(I would add a couple of pho­tos here, only I can­’t remem­ber how to do it).

Now that I’m home I am apply­ing all the energy I regained from attend­ing both WFC and SiWC. So much to do!

I just fin­ished read­ing Book Two (tent­at­ively referred to as The Ser­pent and the Sage), the sequel to Dark Elf’s War­ri­or. It has been years since I fin­ished writ­ing it, and years since I looked at it. Fas­cin­at­ing to read it after so much time! I am very pleased that it stands up to the object­ive scru­tiny that comes from such a long break. It needs edit­ing (not sur­pris­ing), and I have to solid­i­fy a few motivational/character bits and pieces. For the most part, though, I truly enjoyed read­ing it! The second half in par­tic­u­lar was very exciting.

Feel­ing good.