WFC 2012
WFC 2012

WFC 2012

Big Huge Storm Sandy is in full swing in the East, and I have a great deal of con­cern for those who live in the area. I hope you’re all safe!

But I would be lying if I wer­en’t feel­ing a little bit selfish, too. I want the storm to abate, not only because I don’t want any­one to suf­fer, but also because it’s World Fantasy Con this week, and I’m sup­posed to be fly­ing into Toronto on Wed­nes­day. I’m so look­ing for­ward to see­ing old friends, and mak­ing new ones. Last year was terrific!

I prom­ise I have already set aside a cer­tain Vik­ing Adven­ture Nov­el to bring along. There WILL be readings.…!


    1. Moderator

      Merci pour l’in­form­a­tion, Éric ! Je suis assez cer­taine je ne suis pas prête pour une con­ven­tion com­plète­ment française, mon Français est ain­si détéri­oré. Je serais com­plète­ment sans espoir. Irez-vous ?

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