Real Life Update — May 31st
Real Life Update — May 31st

Real Life Update — May 31st

Crazy day.

Mom’s first radi­ation treatment.

Mag­gie’s insane day:

-band in the morning.


-rehears­al for Boxed Hero

-pick her up early to take her to Tri-City Tal­ent show at Centen­ni­al with the Pre­vail­ing Westerlies.

-Matt and I go for a drink.

-Mag­gie on stage just before 7pm. The Pre­vail­ing West­er­lies play their song. Mag­gie hands off her bass to Roan. Runs with me out to the car.

-Race to the Ever­green Theatre for Joseph.

-Cur­tain at 7:30.


This emo­tion­al roller-coast­er: cel­eb­rat­ing the chil­dren’s suc­cesses: Mag­gie’s music, both kids’ per­form­ances in Joseph, Mag­gie in Boxed Hero with the Shift Fest­iv­al, Dav­id’s suc­cess­ful audi­tions for Capil­ano and Douglas. At the same time… my mom’s can­cer is back, and her con­di­tion is now pal­li­at­ive, which means, let’s face it and not beat around the bush – she is going to die. We don’t know how long she has, but it’s com­ing soon­er than later. Dr. Lee says we bought her three more years.