Real Life Update — June 10th
Real Life Update — June 10th

Real Life Update — June 10th

We had a tour of Cross­roads Hos­pice today. Cinda is in town, so it’s great that she was able to be a part of that. Mom of course wants to move in right away. We don’t think she’s ready. It’s easi­er for her friends to vis­it her at home; it’s cer­tainly easi­er for me to see her if she’s at home. She for­gets that people go to hos­pice to die. The people who mill about there are either staff, or they’re people who are griev­ing because they’re vis­it­ing their loved ones who are also dying. This is not a place where there will be lots of people there to hang out with her.

The Pal­li­at­ive Care Team is amaz­ing. We have home care work­ers com­ing in twice a day, at 7am and 7pm, to wash mom and get her ready for the day/for bed. The nurses come and check in, or they call. There is a pal­li­at­ive spe­cial­ist doc­tor, who is very com­pas­sion­ate. She has poin­ted out that mom has been Type 2 dia­bet­ic, and that accounts for mom’s fre­quent drink­ing and urin­a­tion. Her blood sug­ar levels are through the roof. I now have to admin­is­ter insulin.