Real Life Update — June 29th
Real Life Update — June 29th

Real Life Update — June 29th

Mom’s friends often mean well, but either say things, or do things, that are less than thought­ful. Nobody has the right to judge the way I’m caring for my mom until they’ve spent a day wip­ing feces off her bot­tom, or being awakened four times a night to tell her that, No, she does­n’t have to pee, because she has a cath­et­er in, or doing stretches with her, or mas­sage, because her legs are all antsy. I don’t know why she does­n’t remem­ber how to do stretches on her own… though this tells me that it’s com­pany she wants, just as much as solv­ing the prob­lem of her legs. We are doing our best.