Unconventional & Slightly Strange
Unconventional & Slightly Strange

Unconventional & Slightly Strange

In order to intro­duce myself, I had a few friends and fans ask me some really import­ant questions:

Q: Why do you do what you do?
A: In order to avoid doing the things I don’t do.
Q: Is it a bur­den being that cute every day?
A: Yes, but it’s a bur­den I’m pre­pared to endure for the great­er good.
Q: Who put the “bop” in the bop she bop she bop?
A: My daugh­ter­’s fish, Bubbles. (Sadly, Bubbles was sui­cid­al, so he did­n’t have time to put the “ram” in the ramalama ding dong).
Q: How do you feel about Vik­ings as cent­ral char­ac­ters in fantasy?
A: Some of my best friends are Vik­ings! I OFTEN put my friends in my work, so you can anti­cip­ate there being some Vik­ings in my upcom­ing nov­els. Vik­ings have always been a source of inspir­a­tion to me.
Q: Assum­ing there is room enough for only one book in your emer­gency sur­viv­al kit… What col­our would you paint your room?
A: I’m glad you asked that ques­tion. It’s one of those burn­ing ques­tions that are often dis­cussed around the din­ner table and long into the night. Entire week­ends have been squandered pon­ti­fic­at­ing when one ought to be vacu­um­ing or paint­ing the house or build­ing a sus­pen­sion bridge. What was the ques­tion again?