10 Things I Can See From Here
10 Things I Can See From Here

10 Things I Can See From Here

1. A dec­or­ated Christ­mas tree, lit up colourfully

2. A piano with a book of Christ­mas piano music, open to the Boar’s Head Carol

3. A rock­ing chair

4. A dis­membered ginger­bread man (only torso and but­tons remaining)

5. A copy of Pulp Lit­er­at­ure magazine, Issue #5

6. 1.5 snacks of crack­er with cheese and gar­lic coil

7. A bas­ket of clean laun­dry, some of it folded.

8. A Wal­lace tartan blanket

9. My cous­in’s wed­ding photo

10. A table full of books