Creative Ink Festival is Looming!
Creative Ink Festival is Looming!

Creative Ink Festival is Looming!

This com­ing week­end, March 31 to April 2, is the Cre­at­ive Ink Fest­iv­al for Read­ers and Writers, at the Burn­aby Delta Hotel. I will be at the regis­tra­tion desk for a while on Fri­day, and then I have the fol­low­ing sched­ule for the weekend:


6pm — Live Action Slush Pile — This is where folks can sub­mit a page or two of their writ­ing, it will be read aloud, and the pan­el­lists will dis­cuss wheth­er they would like to keep read­ing, and why or why not. A most-excel­lent source of imme­di­ate feed­back and impres­sions of your writ­ing! I have bene­fit­ted from this myself more than once. For this time, I am the Reader.


3pm — Beta Read­ers: This pan­el will dis­cuss how to find good Beta read­ers, and what to expect from them. Some Do’s and Don’ts about being a good reader.

6pm — Storytelling on the Fly (Mod­er­at­or) If the suc­cess of this pan­el at last year’s Mis­con is any­thing to go by, this will be a ton of fun. A few prompt­ing ques­tions and away we go! One sen­tence at a time, we will cre­ate a story with a begin­ning, middle and end, and it will likely make very little sense.


11am — Research (Mod­er­at­or) How do writers research? How much? When do we stop and how do we apply our research to our writing?

5pm — Live Action Slush Pile: same as Fri­day, I will be the Read­er for this pan­el. Very educational!