Norwescon 2017
Norwescon 2017

Norwescon 2017

Here I sit in one of my favour­ite Writ­ing Retreat loc­a­tions.… Chez Brenda Carr, with the glor­i­ous view of a massive Garry Oak tree and Saanich Inlet. Brenda is right…there, and Car­ol Berg is right in front of me, and we’ve all been work­ing  away for sev­er­al hours. Car­ol has been here for a week already; I only joined them today. For tomor­row… We are off!

Down to Seattle for Nor­wescon. These two have fin­ished their cri­tiques for the Fair­wood Writers’ Work­shop. Me, I’m not up to any­thing this week­end but attend­ing some cool pan­els and hanging with friends. I’m sure I will learn many many things.